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See Attack Signatures for more details. What if we want to give specific attributes to specific parameters? This can be done by creating and configuring the user-defined parameters. This feature gives the user full control over what the parameter should include, where it should be located and allows for granularity in configuring each and every parameter. Here you can:. In the following example, we configure two parameters. The first one, text , takes string values here configured as alpha-numeric , and limits the length of the allowed string between 4 and 8 characters.

Note that we enable this violation to block the violating request. The second parameter, query , is added to the policy just to avoid a false positive condition due to a specific signature, Suppose you realized that whenever this signature detected on this parameter, it was false positive. You would like to disable this signature, but only in the context of this parameter.

The signature will still be detected on values of other parameters. In the next example, we configure a numeric parameter. This parameter accepts only integer values and allows values between 9 and 99 non-inclusive.

Note that if you change the values of exclusiveMin and exclusiveMax to false, values equal to the boundary values will be accepted namely 9 and For increased granularity, you can configure whether the parameter value is also a multiple of a specific number. This is useful when you wish to limit the input to specific values. The following example configures a parameter that accepts values in the range of 0 to 10 and are only multiples of 3.

This means that the accepted values are 3, 6 and 9. Another very useful example is when the user wants to limit the parameter to a single context, like in a header or a query string. Another useful expansion to the customization capabilities is the ability to create user-defined signatures. This capability allows the user to define new signatures, configure how they behave in terms of enforcement, and categorize them in user-defined signature sets using tags for ease of management.

The process of creating and implementing a user policy that contains user-defined signatures is a three-fold process:. The user-defined signature definition file is a JSON file where the signatures themselves are defined and given their properties and tags. The format of the user-defined signature definition is as follows:. Tags help organizing the user-defined signatures in bundles so that all signatures in that bundle are usually authored by the same person and share a common purpose or set of applications that will consume it.

It also creates name spaces that avoid name conflicts among user-defined signatures. Signatures are uniquely identified by the combination of tag and name. The revisionDatetime specifies the date or version of the signature file. Note that you can create as many user-defined signature definition files as you wish provided that you assign a unique tag for each file and that the user-defined signatures have unique names, both within the same file, or across different files.

To add user-defined signatures to the signatures list, each signature must have the following format:. Once all the user-defined signatures are added to definitions files, it is time to activate and use them in the policy.

To achieve this, certain items need to be added to the policy file to enable these signatures, and to specify the action to take when they are matched. Following is an explanation of each of the items added to the bare policy that are relevant to user-defined signatures:. This directive can only be used multiple times, if needed in the http context in the nginx. This directive accepts the path of the user-defined signature definition file as an argument.

To add multiple definition files, the user will need to add a directive per file. Note that if the file or directory is not accessible by the nginx user, an error message will be displayed, and the policy will fail to compile.

Also, the user can create their own user-defined signatures as we have seen above as well as user-defined signature sets. User-defined Signature sets are suitable for organizing the sheer number of pre-defined and user-defined signatures into logical sets for better use in the policy. For the user-defined signatures, signature IDs are automatically generated, and they cannot be used in manual addition of signatures.

The result should include all low and medium accuracy signatures that have a high risk value. In the following example, we demonstrate how to add signatures manually to a signature set by specifying the signature ID of each of the signatures:. It is worthy to note that if a newly added signature set name matches an existing signature set name, it will not overwrite the existing set.

The User-Defined Browser Control feature allows a user to define new custom browsers, and create a list of allowed or disallowed browsers both user-defined and factory preset browsers used by the client application. It mainly provides the opportunity:. User-defined browsers can be configured in the browser-definitions section in the policy.

There are a number of properties that can be configured per user-defined browser element:. It is possible to define IP addresses or ranges for which the traffic will always be allowed or denied or never logged despite the rest of the configuration settings in the policy. In this example, we use the default configuration while enabling the deny list violation. In the configuration section, we define:. Note: The above configuration assumes the IP address represents the original requestor.

In this case, you may need to configure NGINX App Protect WAF to prefer the use of an X-Forwarded-For or similar header injected to the request by a downstream proxy in order to more accurately identify the actual originator of the request.

See the XFF Headers and Trust for information regarding the additional settings required for this configuration. CSRF Cross-Site Request Forgery is an attack vector in which the victim user that visits a sensitive site such as a bank account, is lured to click on a malicious link attempting a fraudulent operation on that sensitive site. The link may be sent over email or in a hidden frame in another site.

There are several settings that can be configured to enable CSRF protection, some are global while others are specific. Following is a list of all the settings that can be configured to enable or customize the CSRF settings:. If CSRF is enabled in the violation section and in the csrf-protection settings, when receiving a request to a URL that matches one of the csrf-urls and all its conditions: method and parameters if applicable there , then the following conditions must be met:.

Clickjacking refers to a technique used by malicious actors to embed remote website content into their malicious websites, tricking the end users to click on the embedded frames triggering actions the users were not aware of, such as liking a certain Facebook page or giving a restaurant a 5 star rating.

Please note that this additional layer of security is available only in browsers that support the X-Frame-Options headers.

This feature is enabled by default or by setting decodeValueAsBase64 to enabled. To disable this feature set decodeValueAsBase64 to disabled. In that case signatures will not be detected properly.

To mitigate this, set decodeValueAsBase64 to disabled on known non Base64 entities. If decodeValueAsBase64 is set to required , then a violation is raised if the value is not Base64 decodable. In this example we already know which specific entity values are Base64 decodable, so we set the value of decodeValueAsBase64 to required to raise a violation if the value is not Base64 decodable:. Consequently, a series of checks are performed to ensure that the body is indeed well-formed as XML or JSON, and certain restrictions are enforced on the size and content of that body.

One of the most powerful restrictions in a JSON profile is enforcing a schema with which the content must comply.

This will be detailed in the next section. It is a small form, and it makes sense to limit its size to characters and its nesting depth to 2. Here is a policy that enforces this:. In the default base template, the alarm flag is turned on for this violation and if it is triggered, it affects Violation Rating.

In addition, you can turn on the block flag so that this violation will also block when triggered. Schema files are often developed as part of the application, independently from the App Protect Policy. It is often desirable to keep it in a separate file and reference it from the policy using a URL. The schema file is identified by the filename property. It is a good practice to keep the filename identical to the one on the URL path, but it is not an error to have different names for each.

Note : The default values were changed in release 3. In the previous release the default values were different per policy for the following attributes:. You can customize the blocking page text and formatting to suit your particular design requirements. In this example, we use the default configuration but modify the response page that is displayed to the customer.

There is a special scenario where default or regular custom response pages cannot be used. If this SPA application were to receive a default HTML-formatted block page, it would not be able to interpret this, likely causing an application error. A way to handle such a situation is via configuring an AJAX response page.

The AJAX response page will cause a pop-up to appear on the client browser, informing them that the request has been blocked. What we have been seeing so far has been related to making changes by actually overriding specific configuration values. What would happen in the case we wanted to remove a specific configuration entity from the policy.

Deleting this entity from the declarative configuration file will simply mean that this entity will be left intact when the policy is rebuilt, meaning that the entity is still in the disallowed file types list. To resolve such situations, we have a modifications section where we can force modification where otherwise it is not possible using direct declarative configuration.

In this example, we specify that we wish to remove the file type log from the disallowed file types list. External references in policy are defined as any code blocks that can be used as part of the policy without being explicitly pasted within the policy file.

This means that you can have a set of pre-defined configurations for parts of the policy, and you can incorporate them as part of the policy by simply referencing them. This would save a lot of overhead having to concentrate everything into a single policy file. A perfect use case for external references is when you wish to build a dynamic policy that depends on moving parts. You can have code create and populate specific files with the configuration relevant to your policy, and then compile the policy to include the latest version of these files, ensuring that your policy is always up to date when it comes to a constantly changing environment.

Note : Any update of a single file referenced in the policy will not trigger a policy compilation. For example, modifications section is replaced by modificationsReference and data-guard is replaced by dataGuardReference. This is a very useful method when trying to combine or consolidate parts of the policy that are present on different server machines. Note : You need to make sure that the server where the resource files are located is always available when you are compiling your policy.

In this example, we are creating a skeleton policy, then enabling the file type violation. However, we do not wish to specify the file types as these file types depend on an app that defines these types. We therefore wish to have this section populated from an external reference. Note that the filetypes section is replaced by the filetypeReference section.

For a list of all the available reference options, consult the documentation declarative section. For the content of the file itself, it is an extension of the original JSON format for the policy, as if this section was cut from the policy and pasted into the file. Make sure that the webserver you are downloading the resources from does also support HTTPS protocol and has certificates setup properly. In this configuration, we are completely satisfied with the basic default policy, and we wish to use it as is.

However, we wish to define a custom response page using an external file located on an HTTPS web server. The external reference file contains our custom response page configuration. In this example, we would like to enable all attack signatures. Yet, we want to exclude specific signatures from being enforced. Note that file references can only be on the local machine: you cannot use remote hosts! To do this, we reference a local file on the machine. If, for any reason, the configuration was done incorrectly, the policy compilation process will fail with the following error:.

The error details that follow will depend on the exact situation causing the policy compilation to fail. If the policy compilation process fails, the compiler will revert to the last working policy and all the changes for the last policy compilation attempt will be lost.

Using a spec file simplifies the work of implementing API protection. The configuration is similar to External References. The link option is also available in the openApiFileReference property and synonymous with the one above in open-api-files. File reference refers to accessing local resources on the same machine. See the External References for details.

Roughly it includes:. Here is the policy with the profile:. The profile in this example enables checking of attack signatures and disallowed metacharacters in the string-typed fields within the service messages. Two signatures are disabled.

The profile also limits the size of the messages to KB and disallows fields that are not defined in the IDL files. The main IDL file, album. The file it imports, messages. In order for App Protect to be able to match it to the import statement you need to specify its directory as we did here with the importUrl property.

An alternative and probably more convenient way to specify all the IDL files, the primary and all its imports, direct and indirect, is to bundle them into a single tar file in the same directory structure as they are expected by the import statements. In this case you will have to specify which of the files in the tarball is the primary one. The supported formats are tar and tgz.

App Protect will identify the file type automatically tar, gzipped tar or JSON and handle it accordingly. Following the above example:. This is required if you want to accept only requests pertaining to the gRPC services exposed by your apps. If you decide to leave this catch-all URL, App Protect will accept other traffic including gRPC requests, applying policy checks such as signature detection. However, it will not apply any gRPC-specific protection on them.

However, in the sample policy above, the profile was apparently not associated with any URL and yet the profile is active. How did this happen? For example you can turn off meta character checks by adding "metacharsOnUrlCheck": false within the respective URL entry.

A gRPC error response page is returned when a request is blocked. You can customize any of these two by configuring a custom gRPC response page in your policy.

This feature is disabled by default and can be enabled by setting decodeStringValuesAsBase64 to enabled. Using Baseencoded strings for binary data is usually not a good practice but, if the protected app still does that, then enable Base64 detection. Currently App Protect supports only unary services and does not accept streaming services on either side, client or server.

Profiles with IDL files that include services with the keyword stream will be rejected. You can still give basic protection to gRPC streaming services by checking for Attack Signatures without trying to parse the messages or applying any other gRPC enforcement. The supported Protocol Buffer version is 3. Version 2 is not supported. Hence any obsolete feature of version 2, such as message extensions in the IDL files, will be rejected.

If Server Reflection support is required, App Protect must be disabled on the reflection URIs by adding a location block such as this:. There are three violations that are specific to gRPC. They are all enabled in the default policy. See also the Violations section. See Available Security Log Attributes.

Global configuration consists of a series of nginx. In the case where the URL itself has violations such as bad unescape or illegal metacharacter then the request might be assigned to a location in which NGINX App Protect WAF is disabled or has a relaxed policy that does not detect these violations.

Such malicious requests will be allowed without inspection. In order to avoid this, it is recommended to have a basic policy enabled at the http scope or at least at the server scope to process malicious requests in a more complete manner.

In that case all the instances must share the same configuration files. It is your responsibility to synchronize the files on all instances. You also have to provide a load balancing solution in front of those instances such as another NGINX instance.

As the argument of this directive, put a random alphanumeric string of at least 20 characters length but not more than characters.

These cookies are used for various purposes such as validating the integrity of the cookies generated by the application. In the absence of this directive, App Protect generates a random string by itself. In that case, each instance will have a different seed. A cookie created and encrypted on one instance of App Protect will fail to be decrypted when sent by the same client to another App Protect instance having a different encryption key.

If the App Protect daemons are down or disconnected from the NGINX workers, there are two modes of operation until they are up and connected again:.

Similar to failure mode, you can decide what to do with those requests. App Protect violations are rated by the App Protect algorithms to help distinguish between attacks and potential false positive alerts.

A violation rating is a numerical rating that our algorithms give to requests based on the presence of violation s. Each violation type and severity contributes to the calculation of the final rating. The final rating then defines the action taken for the specific request. As per the default policy, any violation rating of 1, 2 and 3 will not cause the request to be blocked and only a log will be generated with alerted status.

If the violation rating is 4 or 5, the request is blocked: a blocking page is displayed and a log generated for the transaction with blocked status. Violation ratings are displayed in the logs by default. The table specifies which. Note: In this case, the request is always blocked regardless of the App Protect policy. The following table specifies the Evasion Techniques sub-violation settings. Each signature, factory or user-defined, and violation has an Attack Type , the attack vector it protects from.

When you create a user-defined signature you associate it with the most appropriate attack type from the list below. If you do not find an Attack Type that matches the threat for which your signature was written, use Other Application Activity Attack Type. Attach Types are also useful as part of the filter in user-defined signature sets. Following is the full list of Attack Types supported in App Protect. Use the name of the Attack Type to reference it within the signature or signature set filter.

In the above example we piped the output to jq utility which needs to be installed separately to get the output with proper indentation. Note that if the script is run without the required switches and their corresponding arguments, it will display the help message. The tool can optionally accept a tag argument as an input. Otherwise, the default tag value user-defined-signatures is assigned to the exported JSON file. This tool can be deployed and used independently of the NGINX App Protect WAF deployment, by installing the compiler package as a standalone , in order to generate a report about either the default signatures included in the package, or signatures included in a signature update package.

The latter can be obtained by running the tool on a standalone compiler deployment, after installing a new signature update package on top of the compiler package.

These reports can then be compared for greater clarity regarding signature updates. The policy configuration defines the information contained in the Security log, such as whether requests are passed, blocked or alerted, due to violations, attack signatures, and other criteria.

Configuration contexts : nginx. File Destination? You can set the destination to either stderr , or an absolute path to a local file, or you can use syslog, and redirect the log with Netcat and pipe:. The directive can be at the following contexts: http , server and location.

When not present at a certain context, the directive is inherited from the context above it: location from server , then from http. If there is no directive at any of these context levels, then the logging is disabled for the respective context. The directive can be at the following context levels: http , server and location. Multiple occurrences of this directive are allowed in a single context, and all the configured logs in this context will be used. When not present in a certain context, all the directives are inherited from the context above it: location from server , then from http.

If there is no directive at any of these context levels, but logging is enabled then the default is used for the respective context. This part of the configuration file specifies what will be logged, the format of the message, and size restrictions.

Content is mandatory. If the entire content field or any of its attributes are not defined, system-defined default values are used. For example: first,second,third will become [first::second::third]. See details there.

The syslog transport is over TCP. The local syslog server will forward them over a secure channel to the remote destination. We recommend you use mutual authentication TLS mTLS to avoid any man-in-the-middle attacks attempting to hijack or alter the logs on their way. It is not guaranteed that all requests that match the filters will indeed reach their destination especially if the system is overwhelmed by the incoming traffic. In this case some log records may be dropped.

The table below lists attributes that are generated in the security logs. When using customized logs i. Per each attribute we show whether it is included in each of the predefined formats: default and grpc. When the NGINX App Protect policy is enforced in Transparent Mode, it is easier to know which transactions would be blocked if the Blocking Mode is set to True and also would be able to know which violations and signatures intended for the transaction to be blocked. This field contains the violations and applicable signature names and IDs associated with a transaction.

For example, the following configuration is unsupported, but in the examples above you can find examples of work arounds for these features. Configuration Guide. Declarative Policy. Troubleshooting Guide. An example can be found in Configure Static Location.

The user can disable any of them or add other sets. Signature attack for Server Technologies Support adding signatures per added server technology. Threat Campaigns These are patterns that detect all the known attack campaigns.

They are very accurate and have almost no false positives, but are very specific and do not detect malicious traffic that is not part of those campaigns. The default policy enables threat campaigns but it is possible to disable it through the respective violation. It is possible to enable any of these two. These checks cannot be disabled. Evasion Techniques All evasion techniques are enabled by default and each can be disabled.

These include directory traversal, bad escaped character and more. Disabled by default but can be enabled. Metacharacters indicate suspicious traffic, but not necessarily an actual threat. It is the combination of meta characters, attack signatures and other violations that indicates an actual threat that should be blocked and this is determined by Violation Rating.

See section below. Disallowed file type extension Support any file type. Default includes a predefined list of file types. See Disallowed File Types list below. Cookie enforcement By default all cookies are allowed and not enforced for integrity. The user can add specific cookies, wildcards or explicit, that will be enforced for integrity. It is also possible to set the cookie attributes: HttpOnly, Secure and SameSite for cookies found in the response.

It is possible to add more such parameters. Default policy checks maximum structure depth. JSON parameterization is not supported. It is possible to enable more size restrictions: maximum total length of XML data, maximum number of elements are more. By default all the standard HTTP methods are allowed. Trust XFF header Disabled by default.

User can enable it and optionally add a list of custom XFF headers. In addition, it enforces size restrictions and prohibition of unknown fields. In previous versions, requests greater than 10 MB would be allowed.

Feature Description Enforcement by Violation Rating By default block requests that are declared as threats, that is, their Violation Rating is 4 or 5.

It is possible to change this behavior: either disable enforcement by Violation Rating or block also request with Violation Rating 3 - needs examination. See section on basic configuration below. By default all the checks are enabled with the exception of POST data and whole request. The user can enable or disable every check and customize the size limits. Malformed cookie Requests with cookies that are not RFC compliant are blocked by default.

This can be disabled. Status code restriction Illegal status code in the range of 4xx and 5xx. By default only these are allowed: , , , , , The user can modify this list or disable the check altogether.

Blocking pages The user can customize all blocking pages. By default the AJAX response pages are disabled, but the user can enable them. All signatures in the included sets are enabled. This script will output the schema to a file named policy. Bot Name Description Ask Ask. Jenkins Jenkins is an open source automation server written in Java. Jenkins helps to automate the non-human part of the software development process, with continuous integration and facilitating technical aspects of continuous delivery.

It is a server-based system that runs in servlet containers such as Apache Tomcat. Launched in , SharePoint is primarily sold as a document management and storage system, but the product is highly configurable and usage varies substantially among organizations. Yes Python Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in , Python has a design philosophy that emphasizes code readability, notably using significant whitespace.

It provides constructs that enable clear programming on both small and large scales. Yes Oracle Identity Manager Oracle Identity Manager OIM enables enterprises to manage the entire user lifecycle across all enterprise resources both within and beyond a firewall.

Within Oracle Identity Management it provides a mechanism for implementing the user-management aspects of a corporate policy. Yes Spring Boot Spring Boot makes it easy to create Spring-powered, production-grade applications and services with absolute minimum fuss. It takes an opinionated view of the Spring platform so that new and existing users can quickly get to the bits they need.

In contrast to many other database management systems, SQLite is not a client-server database engine. Rather, it is embedded into the end program. Yes Handlebars Handlebars provides the power necessary to let you build semantic templates effectively with no frustration.

No Mustache Mustache is a simple web template system. No Prototype Prototype takes the complexity out of client-side web programming. Built to solve real-world problems, it adds useful extensions to the browser scripting environment and provides elegant APIs around the clumsy interfaces of Ajax and the Document Object Model.

It ships with an updated set of advanced value-add features designed to optimize productivity, performance, scalability and reliability. No Redis Redis is an open source in-memory data structure project implementing a distributed, in-memory key-value database with optional durability.

Redis supports different kinds of abstract data structures, such as strings, lists, maps, sets, sorted sets, hyperloglogs, bitmaps, streams and spatial indexes. Yes Underscore. It is comparable to features provided by Prototype.

It allows developers to create scalable single-page web applications by incorporating common idioms and best practices into the framework. Foundation provides a responsive grid and HTML and CSS UI components, templates, and code snippets, including typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface elements, as well as optional functionality provided by JavaScript extensions.

Foundation is maintained by ZURB and is an open source project. No ef. No Vue. No UIKit UIkit is a lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces. It also helps to improve the speed and quality of the code.

No React React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies. React can be used as a base in the development of single-page or mobile applications. It is released under the free, open source MIT License. No Laravel Laravel is a free, open source PHP web framework, created by Taylor Otwell and intended for the development of web applications following the model-view-controller architectural pattern and based on Symfony.

Other than a few native libraries, everything is Java source that can be built on any supported platform with the included GWT Ant build files. No Express. It is designed for building web applications and APIs. It has been called the de facto standard server framework for Node. No Backbone. Backbone is known for being lightweight, as its only hard dependency is on one JavaScript library, Underscore. No AngularJS AngularJS is a JavaScript-based open source front-end web application framework mainly maintained by Google and by a community of individuals and corporations to address many of the challenges encountered in developing single-page applications.

It is a language which is also characterized as dynamic, weakly typed, prototype-based and multi-paradigm. Yes Django Django is a free and open source web framework, written in Python, which follows the model-view-template MVT architectural pattern. Yes Node. Yes Citrix Citrix Systems, Inc. Yes CGI Common Gateway Interface CGI offers a standard protocol for web servers to interface with executable programs running on a server that generate web pages dynamically. Yes Proxy Servers A proxy server is a server a computer system or an application that acts as an intermediary for requests from clients seeking resources from other servers.

Yes Cisco Cisco Systems, Inc. Yes PHP PHP is a server-side scripting language designed primarily for web development but is also used as a general-purpose programming language. Yes Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows or simply Windows is a meta-family of graphical operating systems developed, marketed, and sold by Microsoft. Yes ASP. NET is an open source server-side web application framework designed for web development to produce dynamic web pages. System Name Description Other Web Server Web Servers that are not covered by any of the specific server technologies System Independent Used to denote signatures that apply to any server technology Various Systems Server-side systems not covered by any of the existing server technologies or the other systems here Generic Database Database systems that are not covered by any of the specific server technologies.

Declarative Name Description android The native Android browser. When the high threshold is exceeded the system enters failure mode until memory drops below the low threshold. Setting the value of disables this feature. Note : The system does not enter failure mode during policy compilation after reload even if the threshold is exceeded. There are two values: pass : Pass the request without App Protect Enforcer inspection, a. The string should contain only alphanumeric characters and be no longer than characters.

No response page is returned, a. Multiple instances of this directive are supported. In order to import multiple signatures files, each file must have a different tag. The time unit is seconds. Directive Name Syntax Functionality nginx.

Blocks modified requests. Determined per signature set. Would trigger Violation Rating of 5. An old timestamp indicates that a client session has expired. Blocks expired requests. The timestamp is extracted and validated against the current time. If the timestamp is expired and it is not an entry point, the system issues the Expired Timestamp violation.

Determined by policy setting which is disabled in default template. A space in the cookie name. A carriage return hexadecimal value of 0xd in the cookie name. Controlled by the DG enable flag which is disabled in default template. Only for disallowed file types. This violation is generated when a gRPC request does not meet restrictive conditions in the gRPC Content Profile, such as the message length or existence of unknown fields. Enforces parsable gRPC requests.

The violation is triggered if the method does not appear there. Controlled from the default JSON profile. Enforces parsable JSON requests. Enforces proper JSON requests defined by the schema.

The data types that this violation applies to are integer, email, and phone. If a multipart parameter with binary content type contains NULL in its value, the enforcer issues this violation. The exceptions to this are: If that parameter is configured in the policy as Ignore value. If that parameter is configured in the security policy as user-input file-upload.

Prevents static parameter change. Parameters can be defined on each of the following levels: file type, URL, and flow. Each parameter can be one of the following types: explicit or wildcard. If the value is indeed Base64, the system decodes this value and continues with its security checks. Enforces proper input values. Prevents HTTP requests which do not comply with a defined pattern.

This check is disabled by default. Actual size is 2 KB. Enforces a desired set of acceptable characters. Enforces proper XML requests. Indicates an HTTP response splitting attack. This sub-violation is issued when a request has empty or no body at all. Header name with no header value Disabled App Protect The system checks for a header name without a header value. Check maximum number of parameters Enabled App Protect The system compares the number of parameters in the request to the maximum configured number of parameters.

When enabled, the default value for number of maximum number of parameters is Check maximum number of headers Enabled App Protect The system compares the request headers to the maximal configured number of headers.

Such spaces split URLs introducing ambiguity on picking the actual one. If they do not, the system issues a violation. Bad multipart parameters parsing Enabled App Protect The system checks the following: A boundary follows immediately after request headers. A chunked body contains at least one CRLF. A chunked body ends with CRLF. Final boundary was found on multipart request.

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