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However, ICI is feeding, protecting and even breeding resistance into crops to give them a better chance of survival. Which should help to give millions of people in the developing world a better chance of survival too. Behind these statistics lies a success store achieved bv responding to, and anticipating, real customer needs.

We have alwavs sought to bring more - O O people into home ownership. On the high street, we began a major face-lift of our branches aimed at providing customers with a more friendly, open-plan environment.

While, under the banner of Halifax Property Services, we extended our network of estate agents to a total of offices. We made our Personal Loans service available to ; ' both investors and borrowers and more recentlv to non-members. In July we launched the Halifax Visa card which has proved extremely popular with members.

Later this year, we shall be able to offer an additional cash points by connecting to the LINK system. J None of these achievements would be possible without a con- ' tinuing investment in the latest O technology. Last December we moved into our major new computer and money transmission centre on schedule. In the future, provision of a wide range of services, coupled with the utmost security of investment, will remain, as always, the aim of the No.

Questions about the health Mr Clarice said that the service and the White Paper, condition had to be that 1 consultants believed such an- The chairman had said that nouncemenis. Q asked how the BMA. Mr Clarke said that people were to be given more local responsibility for manag in g anrf delivering sendees.

There would a nursing management job to do, and for that reason the director of nursing would be cm the management executive. Mr Ronald Fean, Democrat spokesman on health, asked why no one had been elected to the policy board and why Mr Oarke had not announced it in the Commons chamber. Mrs Margaret Thatcher countered by drawing references to higher inflation rates under Labour. Mr Derek Fucbtfl Leeds Central. Eight per cent was low for Labour.

Exactly who made the decision to shadow the Dcuischcmark? All the policies. Mr Richard Holt Lang- bauigh. Q said that Mr Enc Fletcher, who was unemployed when she met him during ncr successful visit to Tccsside in November Mrs Thatcher: Yes. He did very well on that course. He has got a job and due to his own vigorous efforts he has done very well in that job.

He will be warmly congratulated. So too will this Government which has the right policies to enable him to do that and which is bringing increasing prosperity to the North-east. Mrs Thatcher? Mr Grocott talks his customary poppycock. Lab said. Mrs Thatcher replied that they had had a good deal of help from other people.

Britain to proposals, which were opposed by everyone in the medial profession. When would Mr Clarke reo- one treasurer with hag. Don and tradeumonists. The contract negotiated with the doctors was a good ode. Mrs Thatcher said that the White Paper would improve service by giving more choice to hospitals, more say in their own affairs and would give doctors more chance to run their own budgets.

Mrs Thatcher said that Mr Clarke and Mr Malcolm Rif- kind, Secretary of State fbr Scotland, had negotiated a good contract with the doctors and she hoped that it would be accepted. The White Paper would make it easier for patients to move from one doctor to another. General practitioner lists had decreased in size. Sr Hugh Rossi Hornsey and Wood Green, Q, Chairman of he Commons Select Com- nittee on the Environment, had isked whether she had seen rcent reports about the low evel of prosecutions and the ow fines for Utter offences, and he findings of several reports of he committee sbowinga similar ituation about very, serious mvironmental offences.

Prosecuting authorities and nagistrates should show greater oncem about these matters. Mrs Thatcher replied that the itsation dearly varied very ouch from one part of the ountry to the other. Mag- mates, the Keep Britain Tidy group, and other people were concerned and were more successful in some areas than in others. His Bfll would tackle the biodegradable material, which broke down naturally. Although such materials cost a few pence more, tbm was ik« significant in relation to the often exorbitant prices people were p rep are d to pay for hamburgers.

Mr Roy Hatterstey, deputy leader of the Labour Party, said. Market forces, be said, would not solve the problems. There must be a partnership between public and private enterprise, national and local government. Mr Tow Newton, Minister of Trade ana Industry, said that the problems of the inner cities went back at feast a generation.

There was no overnight or simple solution to their decline. Moving the motion, Mr Mr Hattersley: Problem not Kaftersley said that two years enthusiasm after eight years of wilful and deliberate neglect. There must be a partner- on new houses, on repair of old ship between public and private houses, on new schools and enterprise, national and local more teachers, and on hospitals, government, between local There would not be industrial people and the agencies created investment in areas of visible to assist them, dereliction.

Partnership had to be built New companies that had aroundI policies intended explic- moved into areas such as the? Tory inner-city the employment statistics of the policy is based on bone-beaded 44 inner-city authorities.

Era- orevious government Conservative dogma. The so-called Action for CIt- Government came to power in ms announced more than a year four authorities, ago was a fraudulent prospectus.

Sir Fergus Montgomery Sale and Altrincham, Q said that she should cut through the red tape and start immediate action. Praise for Walker 14 and was worse than when the prehensive ranee of prograro- Govemment came to power in asActionfor CitieT four authorities. Homelessness was detenorat- new investment, 5 per cent of rog in the inner cities, and the the total that the Government council housing stock had alien had claimed, and the rest had because of Government policy, been old money dressed up to Policy must be based on look like new.

That could not be called neglect. British Airways should aban- m advertisements saying that back-up aircraft was always miighifl when flights were ralL ne, showing a back-up flight rrying a single passenger was the realm of fantasy. P assenger s, including elde rly onte. He condemned the way in rich BA staff treated pas- ngers — like cattle.

People from Ireland would not rich abominable, i The following report of a Com-. The BtH would allow fbe trustees of thgt museum to use the magnificent buildings to even better effect, Mr Rteksrd Luce, Minister for the Am, said.

He said that -tile Bill would give the trustees the same power to hold -land and buildings- already enjoyed by. It had been welcomed by the trustees. What was needed was new thanking and new mosey. The Bfll was lead a third tintt. He said that the companies should not be launched on a disastrous start and the Government should provide a dowry to meet the investment programme that must be undertaken by be industry. The Earl of Caithness said that amendments would be brought forward later to make sure that the public would share in the proceeds of any surplus land belonging to the present water authorities that was sold off after privatization.

Il should go to local authorities that had initiated and developed the nation's water supplies. It would be institutionalized theft to give the money to the companies. Summertime may be changed The following report appeared in later editions yesterday. About organizations had been consulted and the results of that were bring collated and interpreted for the consultation document.

Mrs Thatcher said at question time that she had frill confidence in Mr Peter Walker, Secretary of State for Wales, adding that the policies bringing prosper i ty to Wales were Conservative Government policies. She hoped that the people were all gratefril for that. Parliament today Commons 2. Lords y. Debate on tianaport, particularly in London. The only reaction was an acquiescent silence.

Indeed, Justice Leonard Gerber's appeal to the Ministry of Transport - after he had heard a case in which a despatch rider was convicted of causing death by reckless driving — echoed the opinions of many people within the industry.

Drivers and pedestrians are fed up with wild young men wearing franAmas who ignore the rules of the road. The association has also worked with the Westminster and the City of London councils on their own code, but so far no firm has been expelled for breaking the rules. The problem is that the codes are voluntary, and the 80 courier firms which subscribe in London are the ones least likely to offend.

Colin Dunne investigates character, appearance, behaviour and attitude. In London alone, there are well-established firms. Taking into account the smaller firms, some of which operate from lock-up garages, the figure runs into several hundreds. Two or three smaller firms form a second division, and there are then many more operators with three or four bikes. In lire Midlands there are about 15 well-known firms and at least 40 smaller ones. Riders vary from highly-skilled professionals to youngsters on mopeds which still cany Lrplates.

But in the London area — where there is double the potential for earnings - firms offer mduce- ments such as free holidays in Spain to lure experienced riders from other firms.

The riders are almost always self-employed and are paid between 50 and 60 per cent of the charge to the client Some cntics believe that this method of payment puts the riders under pressure to work at high speed. Most of the problems in the industry have arisen because it has expanded at such astonishing speed.

Many of them do not pay lax or National Insurance and die Inland Revenue must be losing a fortune. Pony Express, which is owned by Securicor, has 16 branches and more than riders. It backed the code of practice, and bought Honda bikes because it believed that was safer t han having riders with their own machines. Riders are equipped with green and white livery to make them easily identifiable. Richard Benson, the ma na gi n g director, says the problem with the code is that it has no teeth.

Aged 28 and married vwimtwocrwdren. In his four years with Security Despatch, he has covered well over , mites and has never had an accident On a busy day. Security Despatch, whose managing director, Andrew Lummis.

At weekends, Boyd competes in motor cycling championships on a Yamaha He is sponsored by Security Despatch and is in the top 30 riders in hts class. He enjoys his job, but dreams of naming his ownsteakhotse. On the day we logged hen, he. He finished work at 5. He believes that despatch riders should be subject to legislation similar to that controlling taxis and tarries. The police share the general concern. Some riders have a high disregard for traffic signs, often due to inexperience as well as deliberate disobedience.

They tend to give all riders a bad name. Julian Nod, aged He does not want to see government interference. He would like to see courier bikes allowed to use bus lanes — as are taxis and bicycles - and provided with proper parking facilities for making deliveries. Adam Dally, aged 28, who started a courier business with his brother, John, six years ago and won an enterprise award, has 15 branches throughout the country. Recently he opened another in New York. Chicago and Los Angdes are next on his list and a year from now he will open a branch in Sydney.

He does not subscribe to the codes but says that legislation is inevitable. HfR many an idea whose time has crane, urban forestry — which has the blessing of Nicholas Ridley, the Secretary of State for the Environment — promises to kill a whole flock of tasty birds with one stone.

As weU as revitalizing thinking about green belts, it would open new prospects for open-air recreation- It would hdp the Forestry Commission to break away from the image of a despofler of acres of irreplaceable wilderness. I think there win be some focal s us picions at first, and it will be necessary to stress that everything will be done on a purely voluntary basis. The land in this area is totally under threat already, from factories and housing, green belt or no green belt.

You may move it around without difficulty thanks to hidden castors. Pleasing in every way and that includes the price. Please allow up to 21 days for delivery from receipt oforder. If you are not satisfied, your money will be refunded without question. In addition to our guarantee you have the benefit ofyour full statutory rights which are not affected. Orders sent to UJC. Tek for enquiries only. At first, it was only the novelist who objected.

Is it true or false? Under controlled conditions at foe Cat Research Centre in Massachusetts, an experienced cat is presently being confronted with some of the most tantalizing e n i gma s known to mankind. Meanwhile, larger cats are to be incorporated into future research projects.

By all means tsy on a smaller size Self- employed? Everything, in fact to help you maintain the authentic character of your home. Survey one today. Jv v-sfrf? Ic makes her look like any other youthfully- fortyish working woman, complete with nervous friendliness and a slightly dated taste in make-up. Nice, but insignificant See her in her own setting and the picture would changes in the old Walled City of Kowloon, one of the worst slums in the world, Pullinger is a heroine and a saviour.

She speaks in a strange accent — in which Chinese, American and Australian twangs overlay solid Home Counties English — and iiw» many Evangelical Christians, she drops God and the Bible into her conversation with disconcerting casualness. I can well believe her account of the consternation she has caused in the past at committees and drag-addiction conferences.

I tend to say simple things like. They are all former heroin addicts out of Triad street gangs, needle-scarred and bred from birth to vice. The'tour is. Next week they will all go home together to the chaos ofKowioom There is mudx to do: the gangsters, addicts and destitutes of the Walled City have to be prepared not only as she would put it for foe Kingdom of Heaven, but in the shorter term fw the major upheavals of , when foe whole lot is handed back to Chinese rule.

The Walled City is a quirk of history. Founded as a Chinese garrison in when foe British took over Rang Kong, it developed into a prosperous little town. It sank into disrepair and became so insanitary that in foe s the British began to knock it down. But after the Second World War, Chinese squatters and refugees reclaimed it and China backed them up, and effectively this 6. They called it Hak Nam: the city of darkness.

The people are being decently resettled and compensated according to what they own or what rent they pay. Even if you sleep in the street you pay rent. I hated what was happening here, but I wanted to be nowhere else. It was almost as if I could already see another city in its place and that dty was ablaze with light It was my dream. There was no more crying, no more death or pain. He told me to run along and find someone else. Frustrated, she got a teaching job outride the Walled City, and spent her money and spare time running a youth club inside, to befriend young Triads.

She persevered; the evangelism began to work and strange things to happen. We look after them. We give them cups of tea and noodles and massages and baths and love. The modus operondi on foe streets is deliberately contrary. We begin with foe love. We don't fund raise. She does not like the Western reflex which enables us to switch off curiosity and compassion while walking past a blank-eyed figure lying wrapped in cardboard in the underpass.

The awfolness comes when you think you don't need to consider him, because someone else is, or because society should be. I have more fun than most people.

When liability comes home Should the possiblity that your guests might sue take the fun out of parties? The dozen or so small boys coming to my son's party next month have I think got past pulling teapots off tables and aD over themselves. And if it could be proved that I had been negligent I coaid be liable for damages. This is foe stuff of nightmares, but it gets worse.

So it is possible to face a relating to an accident that occurred years earlier. Partly I think it is the result of foe publicity on all the major disasters. I don't think it is greed, it is just that people are aware that we are not just talking about loss of earnings, but about things like pain and suffering and the quality of life, of things you might never be able to do.

Could you be sited if you threw a fortieth birthday party and someone drank so much that he fell down the patio steps, breaking bis teg. But if yon have been spiking their drinks, or if they were under age and you bad been encouraging than to drink, it might be different. Or you fend a friend your bflee, the brakes fail and there is a nasty accident?

The possibilities are enough to torn anyone into a recluse. The numbers are still relatively snail, bat the amounts are relatively high. There is no point in taking out any extra insurance for things like parties if you do. Send a lQin x 8in SAE for foe booklet. Doctors and scientists are meeting today to discuss breakthroughs which, could lead to simple home tests. Quote me The first victory was, appropriately. Hayes v the Malleable wonting Men's dub. To obtain foe leaflets. Home hero Imagination, the innovative company which provides foe special effects for the Royal Britain exhibition, has come up with a clever, comic-strip approach to its brief from foe Department of Trade and Industry to educate children about safety in the home.

It will remain there for about three months, open to the public, and will then tour the country for three years. Visitors will be taken through the dome in groups of 15 to 20, and up to four parties at a rime can watch the minute show, which re-creates a complete house with all its potential hazards. Children are given a comic to take away.

Why not let his team design a unique garden for you. Just write to our Customer Service Department for a free leaflet giving full details and prices. As an exercise in film editing, that most Freudian of associative practices, h was both obvious and predictable. The result was a regression in technique, intention «nd sophistication from Huston's film, in which Kossoff also featured.

This was a badly wasted opportunity. It is an opening ceremony that will be somewhat symbolic, immediately afterwards the opera will dose again for at least six months, while builders and technicians struggle to make its stage machinery work. But symbolism counts for more than substance in France this year. President Mitterrand gave his word that the 2,seat opera house would open on July 14, and so it must, even if it is for one day only. It wasn't always tike this. Five years ago, as the first of the president's positively Napoleonic grands projets started to appear, Paris looked to be the very model of a dynamic capital.

But the reality is hardly the glittering prospect Mitterrand envisaged. The Opera, intended to bring opera to the people, leaving Gander's Victorian prodigy to the ballet, is in disarray. V-: C-"--" 4 Media centre mnaqae: the arch at La Defense, a hi-tech version of the Arc de Triomphe, located in an area of Paris dominated by office-blocks ami seat prices are unlikely to string of museums. As the judges station, surrounded uncomfortably Mitterrand's schemes is the arch at reflect the populist ambitions.

It is nothing of the kind. As the judges saw it, what the supposed Meier. In feet they got not Meier but the unknown Carlos Ott, and what had started out as a pastiche Meier building turned into a sores of cardboard dichta.

A quite extraordinary amount of accommodation is crammed into the tight corset of the site, the huge but spatially leaky circus of the Place de la Bastille.

The opera stands on what was once a railway station, surrounded uncomfortably by small Victorian buildings, like a beached whale. Tire brief for the opera was so tightly defined that all that was left to the architect was to provide a skin for the Rubik's cube of the interior.

Less forgivable are the banal interiors, which bear an uncomfortable resemblance to the Festival Hall, ami the pinched attempts at grand staircases. The most monumental of all taken, since the s, to dumping its lush-rise offices. Here is a building 35 storeys high, in the form of an open cube, chamfered front and back, malting it look a little like a giant picture frame. The sides look blank and solid, though they are actually full of windows.

And rising the full height of the structure is the most frightening lift in the world. It will shoot up and down tike a glass bullet, guided 'only by the flimsiest of steel stmts lashed together like bamboos, and stabilized by steel guy ropes. This was to be an international media centre, when Mitterrand launched the competition for its design in It has turned out mostly as just offices.

It doses the axis that runs dead straight for mite after mile all the way from the heart of the Louvre, through the Tuileries, up tire Champs-Hysees to the Arc de Triomphe, and on to La Defense.

Stand in the courtyard of the Louvre, with LM. Fefs new glass pyramid behind you, and on a clear day you can glimpse the Arc de Triomphe, with the misty smudge of the new arch for beyond. It is a gesture that would be authoritarian in a tacky, Dubai Hiltonish way, were it not for the fretwork steel tracery - designed by the British engineer Peter Rice Ft his most wilful — hanging under the arm.

Flawed they may be, but London has nothing to match these Paris projects, depute the building boom in the Docklands. The attitudes represented by Mitterrand are the opposite of those of the Prince. The Prince does his best to stop things; Mitterrand has rediscovered the ancient and egotistical pleasures of building. Both approaches have their strong points but are not without their drawbacks.

Front-runners and first-timers In Cannes there is no advance leak of the prizes. This year the jury kepi us guessing to the end. Many of the best things la Cannes appear outside the competition, in side events. A simple story about a boy who befriends an aged outcast lady, it brings to vivid life the daily existence of a little African village; with its characters, its gossips and its local drank.

From Algeria came an astonishing first film. Sand Roses. So strong is the personality of the disabled actor and so discreet and sincere the work of the director, that we are conscious only of a brave and attractive young man coping with his problems just as the rest of the world does. But Mariss Jansons offered a thoroughly prepared interpretation of mudi subtlety, frill of sudden drifts in emphasis, and highly audacious in tempo chang es It and, If at afl, only fay seeming to civilize some places which Sibelius possibly imagined as rough-hewn.

Hence the general grub, the ripped jerkin, the uncut dialogue that exposes the emptiness of affectation over and over again. Joanne Pearce rums a pretty sneer in her assured performance as Olivia — the echo of Twelfth Night must be deliberate, even down to the girl go-between in breeches. The amusing reversals of the last 30 minutes make one suspect that, well trimmed, this could be a racy play, perceived as razor sharp in its identification of the mores of The real thing, as composed by York Holler, is rather less than this.

Bulgakov has several ways of inteneav- ing his Ploatiss Pilate episodes into the main narrative, and is able to give them a distinct, quieter tone, whereas in the opera they are jnst part of the general metee. Gogolian bite aid ene r g y of the book. Irony is dearly not this composer's strong salt Where be does try it — quoting from the Symphonic fouttatique, for instance, in a funeral march for the editor Berlioz do relation — the effect is strained and de s truc ti v e.

This is not irony from within the work: it co n tributes nothing except foe feeling that the composer is starting to panic. As wefl he might. Apart from her brave performance as Margarita, Roland Hermann's powerful, intelligent Master stands out, ami there is excellent work from a number of British singers.

Richard Aagas has a plum of a part as the bald, basso prafhndo Pilate his scenes are also produced with some savage, pnnky resolve, the soldiers in mixed Roman and modem dress. Moreover, the person threatening to oust him is the wife of a fellow Glaswegian MP. I now leant, however, that not all the unions are likely to vole.

The party leadership will not be putting itself out to save his skin. The Wren Orchestra, down from London for the occasion, were instructed to play the national anthem as she entered. With the audience in thdr seats, there was a commotion in the main doorway at the back, so they duly struck up the opening bars of God Save the Queen. Unfortunately the new arrival turned out to be not Her Royal Highness but a somewhat nonplussed Edward Heath.

Too late to stop, the orchestra had to complete the national anthem then play it again when genuine royalty arrived. T here is but one Democrat candidate who has a serious chance of winning a seat in next month's Euro-elections; Paul Tyler, an MP for all of nine months in , who is fighting Plymouth and Cornwall. He should be able to mobilize that huge old West Country Liberal vote.

Not any more. As his car picked its way through die crowds, fans hurled abuse and hanged on the roof. T ory MPs held rather a sober lunch to celebrate Mrs Thatcher's 10 years in power a couple of weeks back. Their Labour counterparts had much more fun. Two dozen of those first elected in held a rumbustious dinner at the Rosemary Branch theatre-restaurant in Islington on Monday night to celebrate their survival of the dark decade. Leading the celebrations were Shadow Cabinet members Jack Straw. Derek Foster.

His way of meeting the challenge is not quite what the document's authors had in mind. He is changing Parliament for a lucrative academic job in Italy. With the SDP in the doldrums, he announced yesterday that he is moving again — this time to the Democrats. The Tories have meanwhile added a new name to their official candidates' list; that of Olympic gold medallist Sebastian Coe.

Now the tide has turned and those battles are being won. Bush's job is to secure the victory. Bush knows this. This has bred extremely cautious policies, which are exactly the kind Bush is most comfortable with. Bush wants to maintain economic and military pressure because he believes, correctly, that they are promoting change in the Soviet Union.

That is what his predecessor, Ronald Reagan, believed too. Bush does not share this. So there is far less chance of bold initiatives, particularly sweeping concessions, towards the Soviet Union under Bush than there would have been if Reagan had served another term. Bush and his advisers are fearful of declaring victory too soon.

Bush considered about 20 policy shifts. In the speech, he included only two. Soviet leaders expected more, but Bush insisted they will get more only when they give more. In the most significant passage of his speech. It must be earned. It must be earned because promises are never enough. He has reacted sourly to some of Gorbachov's concessions.

Bush is furious with the Press for playing up Gorbachov's gambits. What is important is to keep the winning formufa intact. China, Central America etc. As recently as his speech in Boston on Sunday. Having short- range nuclear weapons there is part of the pressure on Moscow. The only soft- liner is Robert Zoellick, the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, who says US policy should take into account the emergence of a new, less anti- Soviet generation of leaders in Germany.

In the policy review on China, Bush officials did not foresee a 6 Bush regards China as an ally against the Soviet bloc—he has mixed feelings about the revolt 5 revolt by students or anyone else. China is part of the pressure on the Russians. He demanded that the Russians stop arms shipments to the Nicaraguan government While acting from a position of weakness, he managed to put pressure on the Soviet Union.

In the Bush administration, that's the one and only strategy for victory. Fred Barnes is a senior editor of New Republic. N inety-two years qgo this week Oscar Wilde wrote to the Daily Chronicle complaining about the appalling conditions in British prisons, which he had observed at first hand in Reading Gaol.

Retribution is not usually mentioned in polite company on the left who regard it as vengeance. They also assume that we can know the likely deterrent consequences of particular forms of punishment which is dubious. However, in common with the utilitarian view, it not only treats foe criminal as an object of social policy but also seeks to change his character.

It has a view of foe buman personality which makes it difficult to acknowledge that such people have rights, because they are not really responsible agents. So what about the maligned retributive theory? It yC for assumes that a A. This may , be what lies be- imem hind foe claim of tn thp an eye for an eye, i,u. The prisoner has a right to be treated as a responsible agent and according to a strict rule; not ib such a way as denies this, as the therapeutic approach does, nor in a way that can be varied by foe demands of social utility, which is central to foe deterrent view.

The whole point of the retributive theory is to stick to a general rule of just retribution. In so far as other theories detach punishment from these values they may lead to a criminal justice system which does not command dear public support.

The American model Europe must avoid T he Eurocentrisis' atgu- menL which in its most extreme form advocates a United States of Europe, is a proposition favouring a union of an oddly incoherent kind. It succeeds only to the extent that every new political generation finds an equilibrium between federal intervention and state sovereignty which outrages the fewest pressure groups. Ever since Abraham Lincoln waged dvil war against the southern states to stop them seceding from the Union, there has been more or less explicit conflict between the interests and sympathies of state and Janet Daley warns against a unity riddled with inconsistencies federal authorities.

Until recent presidencies, such as those of Carter and Reagan, antipathy to Washington's power remained deeply ingrained in foe South, where foe federal government was regarded essentially as a northern outfit attempting to hoist liberal urban values on foe stately old agrarian Confederacy. But the tension between centralized control and state autonomy is a permanent future of. American political life. The policing, judiciary and criminal justice systems of each state are independent of one another to the extent that a criminal unless wanted for a specifically federal offence can escape prosecution by crossing foe state boundary.

When foe murders of civil rights workers threatened to go unpunished in foe southern state where they were committed, foe recourse for an outraged federal government was a roundabout appeal to the Constitution. They also pay taxes which vary enormously depending on the political complexion of the state government and its internal spending needs for infrastructure and social services. Decisions about what form and level this taxation should take are made internally and idiosyncraticaily.

It is quite true that this lack of uniformity creates inequalities for producers of foe kind feared by Jacques Ddors. It is more expensive to produce and sell goods in some parts of the country than in others. What is much more dubious is the social and political harmonization of distinct regions with their own social histories.

Janet Daley is an author and journalist. So I did, because I need black, warm liquid poured into me at regular intervals. I got out of the lift and set off into uncharted Television Centre. The building is round. I passed the same fire hose for foe third time before realizing that I was going in circles, not progressing towards the lea bar at all. This is the BBC itself, mc- tbinks. The premises in front had six storeys; foe premises behind eight storeys.

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NEW Images in brushes fina, Paint with a brush made from a photo. Art, Pattern, and Scatter brushes can contain raster images, so you can create complex organic des igns quickly with simple brush strokes. As with all Illustrator brushes, your st rokes can be reshaped and modified cx will. NEW Font search - Find the perfect windows vista ultimate product key free activation free fast. In the Character panel, type a sty le such as "bold" or "italic," a font .part1.1rar, or any other part of a font name.

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